
Canadian Couch Potato

Canadian Couch Potato

What Moneyball Can Teach You About Investing

I can’t seem to get my kids interested in index investing, but they do share my love of baseball. So...

What Moneyball Can Teach You About Investing

Canadian Couch Potato

Why Staying the Course Isn’t “Doing Nothing”

On Tuesday I linked to a poll of some 200 institutional investors who were asked about their outlook for...

Why Staying the Course Isn’t “Doing Nothing”

Canadian Couch Potato

So Much For the Consensus View

The Canadian stock market officially crossed into bear market territory this week, falling to more than 20% below its...

So Much For the Consensus View

Canadian Couch Potato

When Should You Use an Advisor?

Dan Solin’s excellent new book, The Smartest Portfolio You’ll Ever Own (see my review here) devotes several chapters to whether...

When Should You Use an Advisor?



Canadian Couch Potato

Review: The Smartest Portfolio You’ll Ever Own

There comes a time in every Couch Potato’s life when he or she has to answer a nagging question:...

Review: The Smartest Portfolio You’ll Ever Own

Canadian Couch Potato

Ask the Spud: RBC’s Target Maturity ETFs

Q: I just read about the launch of RBC’s family of target-maturity corporate bond ETFs. They seem like they would...

Ask the Spud: RBC’s Target Maturity ETFs

Canadian Couch Potato

Balancing Your Dividend Holdings

One problem with the two leading Canadian dividend ETFs is that they are not very well diversified across sectors....

Balancing Your Dividend Holdings

Canadian Couch Potato

Claymore’s New Dividend Grower

This week saw the launch of the Claymore S&P US Dividend Growers (CUD), an ETF that will have great...

Claymore’s New Dividend Grower


Canadian Couch Potato

Commission-Free ETFs Arrive in Canada

It seems like every week we hear high-profile announcements about new ETFs, very few of which promise anything genuinely...

Commission-Free ETFs Arrive in Canada
