
Articles By Canadian Couch Potato:

Canadian Couch Potato

The failed promise of market timing

To stick to an indexing strategy over a lifetime, you need to let go of the idea that you...

The failed promise of market timing

Canadian Couch Potato

Why VRE outperformed its rivals in 2013

It’s been a marvelous year for equities, but 2013 has not been kind to real estate investment trusts, except...

Why VRE outperformed its rivals in 2013

Canadian Couch Potato

The dream of beating the market

If the evidence in favour of passive investing is so strong, why isn’t the strategy more popular?

The dream of beating the market

Canadian Couch Potato

When to buy U.S.-listed ETFs

The case for using U.S.-listed ETFs is not nearly as compelling as it used to be.

When to buy U.S.-listed ETFs

Canadian Couch Potato

Norbert’s Gambit: The complete guide

Step-by-step instructions to perform Norbert's Gambit at five of Canada's bank-owned discount brokerages.

Norbert’s Gambit: The complete guide

Canadian Couch Potato

When it makes sense to pay the deferred sales charges on mutual funds

Deferred sales charges (DSCs) stink, but you're better off paying them as oppose to selling off your mutual funds...

When it makes sense to pay the deferred sales charges on mutual funds

Canadian Couch Potato

The hidden cost of bid-ask spreads

The impact of bid-ask spreads on ETF trades may be bigger than you thought.

The hidden cost of bid-ask spreads

Canadian Couch Potato

A touch of (corporate) class

Purpose Investments has launched the first corporate class ETFs in Canada to help reduce or defer taxes.

A touch of (corporate) class

Canadian Couch Potato

Worst investment ad of the year?

Here’s an ad arguing that skilled active managers can outperform their benchmark over the long term, and the “evidence”...

Worst investment ad of the year?