
Articles By Ed Olkovich:

A woman is seen sitting in of a window

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Am I entitled to my dead husband’s inheritance?

Spouses could get a piece of an inheritance, but it depends on the wording in the will

Am I entitled to my dead husband’s inheritance?

Ask MoneySense

Who is the best person to name as executor to a will?

Here are the options and the pros and cons of each

Who is the best person to name as executor to a will?
what happens if your will executor lives abroad

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What can go wrong if your will executor lives abroad

Jay has named his two adult children to be executors. One lives in the U.S.—and that could cause problems

What can go wrong if your will executor lives abroad

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Should you probate a will that includes real estate?

These are the rules in Ontario

Should you probate a will that includes real estate?
separation agreement ex spouse estate

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How to ensure an ex-spouse doesn’t receive a part of your estate

"We have been separated for over 25 years and I'd like my present spouse to inherit everything"

How to ensure an ex-spouse doesn’t receive a part of your estate

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Wording a will to cover loans to family can be a hot potato

Even with official documentation, personal loans can cause family friction

Wording a will to cover loans to family can be a hot potato

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Are my husband’s sons entitled to part of my home?

He died without a will and they are adults now

Are my husband’s sons entitled to part of my home?

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How spousal survivorship rights work with property

A deceased person could have assets that were not controlled by her executor

How spousal survivorship rights work with property
future investment returns probate fees

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The wrong way to save on probate fees

You can't save by choosing a province with lower probate fees

The wrong way to save on probate fees