

RRSPs and tax refunds explained

Who needs an RRSP, who doesn't and what to do with your tax refund.

RRSPs and tax refunds explained

RRSP Guide: When

Withdrawing from RRSPs between jobs

You may be able to get the withholding tax back.

Withdrawing from RRSPs between jobs

RRSP Guide: When

What’s the best way to get money out of RRSPs?

Look for ways to keep your income from ballooning when you hit 71.

What’s the best way to get money out of RRSPs?


Buying into RRSPs

More Canadians have an RRSP this year compared to last and they're investing more too.

Buying into RRSPs



Ask MoneySense

RRSPs: Save for a home and eliminate debt

Have your cake and eat it too. Pay off your debt while socking away cash in an RRSP to...

RRSPs: Save for a home and eliminate debt

Ask MoneySense

Are RRSPs the way to go?

An RRSP remains one of our best options to save for retirement.

Are RRSPs the way to go?

Ask MoneySense

Cashing in RRSPs

What do you do when an investment adviser tries to convince you to sell your RRSPs and invest with...

Cashing in RRSPs


Falling out of love with RRSPs

Why Robb Engen abandoned his once-favourite retirement savings vehicle—the RRSP—and why others in his income bracket are doing the...

Falling out of love with RRSPs



RRSPs: To borrow or not to borrow?

In some cases, taking out a small loan to reach your RRSP contribution limit could pay off in the...

RRSPs: To borrow or not to borrow?
