Canadian Couch Potato

Canadian Couch Potato

Calculating your portfolio’s rate of return

It's not as straightforward as you might think

Calculating your portfolio’s rate of return

Canadian Couch Potato

Raining on the ‘All Seasons’ portfolio

The All Seasons portfolio was created by one of the largest hedge fund managers in the world

Raining on the ‘All Seasons’ portfolio

Canadian Couch Potato

China grabs a bigger share of the indexes

Passive investors should applaud changes that better represent the global markets

China grabs a bigger share of the indexes


How changing interest rates affect fixed income

Get out of the interest rate guessing game to truly understand the risks of various fixed income investments and...

How changing interest rates affect fixed income



Canadian Couch Potato

Bias towards Canadian stocks is just fine

Don't worry, your investment portfolio has actually benefitted from a home-country bias

Bias towards Canadian stocks is just fine
bonds vs. cash


Should you replace bonds with cash?

A bond index fund is probably a better choice

Should you replace bonds with cash?

Canadian Couch Potato

Budget 2015: How it affects your investment portfolio

Reassess your asset location strategy in light of TFSA, RRIF changes

Budget 2015: How it affects your investment portfolio

April 2015

9% Couch Potato returns won’t last

Over the last six years passive Couch Potato investors have enjoyed excellent returns with little effort

9% Couch Potato returns won’t last


Canadian Couch Potato

A look at the new iShares Core ETFs

Two new broad-market funds to compete with Vanguard

A look at the new iShares Core ETFs
