A guide to getting value from your advisor, and shifting to lower-cost investments
One option is moving mutual funds into lower-cost “D-series” or “F-class” versions to reduce fees while avoiding deemed disposition.
One option is moving mutual funds into lower-cost “D-series” or “F-class” versions to reduce fees while avoiding deemed disposition.
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You should be able to transfer your mutual funds to another institution that charges lower fees “in kind“. It will depend on what they are, and where you transfer them to eg are they TD Bank mutual funds, are they front or back end load etc. Fees and whether they apply are usually negotiable; how much you pay might sometimes depend on how much you have in your account.
The tyranny of compounding costs can not be overstated. As Jack Bogle states a 2% fee over your investment lifetime means you put up a 100 % of the money take a 100% of the risk and get 30 % of the return.
I suggest you purchase Beat the Bank by Larry Bates for your answer.