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Investing in “unprecedented times”

Feeling uncertain about the markets right now is normal—but it doesn’t mean you have to sit on the sidelines....

Investing in “unprecedented times”


2020 Income Tax: What you can’t—and can—claim for your work-from-home office during the COVID-19 pandemic

Do you need a T2200? What about all the Internet you’ve been using at home during the pandemic? Find...

2020 Income Tax: What you can’t—and can—claim for your work-from-home office during the COVID-19 pandemic
Facebook being erased on a phone


Making sense of the markets this week: August 16

Tax hike in Canada to pay for the pandemic; who's not investing in Facebook; restaurants recovering from the shutdown;...

Making sense of the markets this week: August 16

Retired Money

Should you buy back pension service from your employer?

There are pros and cons to topping up your years of pensionable service, and the longer you live, the...

Should you buy back pension service from your employer?

Financial Planning

New financial planners’ association strives for transparency

“We want Canadians to feel confident that when they work with a planner, they’re getting financial advice and support...

New financial planners’ association strives for transparency


Considering a reverse mortgage? Here’s what you need to know

While a conventional mortgage advances you funds in order to buy a house, a reverse mortgage is just the...

Considering a reverse mortgage? Here’s what you need to know

Ask MoneySense

Could retiring at 61 significantly reduce your CPP benefit?

Ellen has contributed to the Canada Pension Plan for most of her life. She’d like to retire early, but...

Could retiring at 61 significantly reduce your CPP benefit?

Ask MoneySense

How to understand your CPP Statement of Contributions

Get an estimate of what your Canada Pension Plan retirement benefit will be at age 60, 65 or 70.

How to understand your CPP Statement of Contributions

Ask MoneySense

How will a pension buyback impact your income tax return?

Q. I plan to do a pension buyback for my service with the Government of Canada. Can I deduct...

How will a pension buyback impact your income tax return?