
extreme saving

A bunch of $100 bills, showing the savings (and investment) of $100,000


How to save (and invest) your first $100,000

Saving and investing $100,000 is a popular finance goal for Canadians. Thankfully, with growth and compound interest, it’s not...

How to save (and invest) your first $100,000
A man and a woman in their 40s, looking at their respective retirement plans on a laptop.


How to start saving for retirement at 45

Is 45 too late to start saving for retirement? Of course not. With thoughtful saving and good advice, this...

How to start saving for retirement at 45
A woman smiling after learning what she should do with $100,000

Ask a Planner

Is it OK to leave $100,000 in a high-interest savings account?

There is no avoiding risk. Even a high-interest savings account could lose its purchasing power. So, what’s the safest...

Is it OK to leave $100,000 in a high-interest savings account?
man smiling as he's using his phone and having a coffee

Presented by Scotiabank

Kickstart your savings

Kickstart your savings



Presented by BDO Debt Solutions

Playing with the FIRE movement

The FIRE movement preaches an extreme frugality that isn't sustainable for the majority of us. But taking on board...

Playing with the FIRE movement
