Articles By Allan Small:

A block calendar is changed from 2022 to 2023, as this article covers both years in finance, investing and stocsk


2022’s year in review: The financial highs, lows and what’s in store for 2023

A recap of the ups and downs investors and the markets dealt with in 2022 and a hint of...

2022’s year in review: The financial highs, lows and what’s in store for 2023
A person stands at the summit of a mountain, looking down at the clouds


Does TINA still apply for the stock market? Are GICs and bonds a new option for Canadian investors?

Here’s why it’s still true that there’s no alternative (TINA) to investing in the stock market if you want...

Does TINA still apply for the stock market? Are GICs and bonds a new option for Canadian investors?
Three sticky notes saying buy, hold and sell. Above them, two arrows point in opposite directions.


Market outlook: Stock prices have started rising—will the good vibes last?

July 2022 was the best month to be invested since the pandemic began. Here’s what this means for investors,...

Market outlook: Stock prices have started rising—will the good vibes last?
A Black man sits on his living room floor, checking both his laptop and phone app for cheap stock prices as he buys investment assets.


How to stay invested and pick up good quality companies—on the cheap

With the markets dropping, is it a time for Canadian investors to buy cheap stocks? Well, let’s see.

How to stay invested and pick up good quality companies—on the cheap
A woman is holding papers with graphs from the stock markets over the years, showing the dips. She also holds a cellphone in the other hand, implying that she may buy during inflation, bond and interest rates rising


What fast-rising interest, inflation and bond rates mean for investors

Investors face growing volatility as inflation surges, 10-year bond yields rise and central banks launch larger rate hikes. How...

What fast-rising interest, inflation and bond rates mean for investors
Short, medium and tall stacks of coins with green shoots on top


Hedging against inflation with dividend-paying stocks

Dividend stocks can keep your portfolio moving in the right direction—even during periods of market volatility.

Hedging against inflation with dividend-paying stocks
Two men in an office environment are looking at charts, discussing the ups and downs of the market


The meaning of market swings and why you should care

If you’re into day trading or even just checking in occasionally on your investments, market swings are evident....

The meaning of market swings and why you should care
A woman's hand holds an inflated balloon with a % decal on it.


A contrarian approach to inflation, interest rates and the markets

Inflation and interest rates are likely to rise in 2022. Here’s how to reposition portfolios in response.

A contrarian approach to inflation, interest rates and the markets
A woman and a man are interpreting the performance of her investments on a tablet


What we learned about investing during a pandemic

Like we needed a do-over from 2020—yet there it was: 2021. Here are the investing lessons from the past...

What we learned about investing during a pandemic