
Articles By Debbie Stanley, TEP, MTI:

A senior-age man gives a box to his son

Estate Planning

Embracing the Swedish death cleaning trend

Swedish death cleaning is catching on in Canada. Learn how it can help you save money, simplify estate planning...

Embracing the Swedish death cleaning trend
Elderly woman in wheelchair with granddaughter

Estate Planning

How to pay yourself as a power of attorney in Ontario

Should you be paid as a power of attorney? Learn about the compensation rules in Ontario and how to...

How to pay yourself as a power of attorney in Ontario
Woman seeks advice from estate planner

Real Estate

Do I need a tax lawyer to prepare my estate?

Wondering whether your estate planner knows the latest tax laws? Do you need a tax lawyer too? Discover three...

Do I need a tax lawyer to prepare my estate?
Multi-generational family poses for selfie

Estate Planning

Don’t squander your legacy

Proper inheritance planning is crucial to ensure a smooth wealth transfer to the next generation. Here are three essential...

Don’t squander your legacy
A retired couple sit with a cup of coffee

Estate Planning

Cross-border estate planning: What should Canadian parents with U.S. beneficiaries do?

The transfer of Canadian estates to U.S. beneficiaries comes with various legal, tax and financial implications. Learn about the...

Cross-border estate planning: What should Canadian parents with U.S. beneficiaries do?
Executor discusses terms of will with survivors

Estate Planning

How executors get paid in Canada

Understanding the tax implications, benefits and pitfalls of executor compensation.

How executors get paid in Canada
Intergenerational couples celebrate outside family home

Ask MoneySense

Can transferring ownership of a house help avoid probate tax?

Transferring ownership of a house while parents are still living can significantly affect probate tax, but there are other...

Can transferring ownership of a house help avoid probate tax?
Warm family photo after talking about advanced care planning.

Estate Planning

Caring for aging parents in Canada: Financial challenges and strategies for relief

Be prepared for the financial burdens of caring for aging parents by learning about the innovative strategies that could...

Caring for aging parents in Canada: Financial challenges and strategies for relief
Family wearing red coats, for Valentine’s Day, give the gift of a will and an estate plan

Estate Planning

Three reasons to have a will and estate plan

Creating a will and estate plan may not be the most romantic gesture, but it’s an essential demonstration of...

Three reasons to have a will and estate plan