
Articles By Larry MacDonald:

tax tips


Minimum RRIF withdrawal rates reduced

Welcome change given low-interest rates and increased longevity

Minimum RRIF withdrawal rates reduced


Budget sees changes to TFSAs, RRIFs & new tax credits for seniors

Surprise Home Accessibility Tax Credit announced

Budget sees changes to TFSAs, RRIFs & new tax credits for seniors

Magazine Archive

Housing affordability index smack down!

Canadian homes affordable or not?

Housing affordability index smack down!


How kids can play hockey for less

Keep kids on the ice without delaying retirement

How kids can play hockey for less

February/March 2013

Awkward question: How to keep a secret beneficiary?

Be it for a mistress or a love child, secret beneficiaries are more common than you think. Here's how...

Awkward question: How to keep a secret beneficiary?

February/March 2013

Are TFSAs only good for the rich?

Should lifetime contributions should be capped?

Are TFSAs only good for the rich?


Why kids are great investors

Are kids really more intuitive or are parents using them as proxy investors?

Why kids are great investors

December/January 2013

Is it too hard to buy Canadian firms?

As the government rejects another takeover, investors wonder if the trend is bad news for Canadian shareholders.

Is it too hard to buy Canadian firms?


The best places to park your cash

With rates so low, it pays to shop around.

The best places to park your cash