Top 5 questions about family RESPs

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Embark Student Corp.
If you have multiple kids or grandchildren, a family RESP can help you save for their college or university education and get valuable government grants.
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Embark Student Corp.
If you have multiple kids or grandchildren, a family RESP can help you save for their college or university education and get valuable government grants.
If you’re saving up for a child’s post-secondary education, a registered education savings plan (RESP) can’t be beat as a savings tool. No other plan or account in Canada will give you access to thousands of dollars in government grants—free money for your kid’s future tuition and other educational expenses. RESPs also offer tax-deferred growth for your savings and investments. And, if you have more than one child or grandchild, you can benefit from the added flexibility of a family RESP.
Canadians can choose from two types of RESPs: individual and family. Both are registered accounts, meaning that they’re registered with the federal government, and they allow your savings and investments to grow on a tax-sheltered basis.
Here are the key features you should know about for both types of RESPs:
Now that we’ve covered RESP basics, let’s tackle five of the most common questions about family RESPs we get at Embark.
Here’s where the flexibility of a family RESP comes into play. Outside of the CLB, government grants and the growth on the investments can be shared among the plan’s beneficiaries—and the amounts don’t have to be equal. So, if one child’s education costs more than another’s, you can divide the funds accordingly. You can also start using RESP funds for one child’s post-secondary education while another is still in grade school and collecting grant money. It’s nice to have that flexibility.
In a family RESP, one child’s unused funds can be allocated to another child’s education. If none of the beneficiaries attend school, you could keep the plan open in case they change their mind.
You could also transfer any unused income in the RESP to your or your partner’s RRSP as an Accumulated Income Payment (AIP). The transfer limit is $50,000, and you would have to return any government grants. Three other requirements to be aware of: You must have enough RRSP contribution room to make the transfer; the RESP must have been open for a minimum of 10 years; and the beneficiaries must be age 21 or older and not pursuing further education.
If you don’t intend to add any more beneficiaries to the plan, and you don’t need the RESP any longer, you could close it. If eligible, your original contributions will be withdrawn tax-free, but you will pay taxes on any investment gains—unless they’re transferred to your RRSP as an AIP.
The short answer is no. Within a family RESP, all beneficiaries must be related by blood or adoption, meaning only siblings can be added to a family RESP. This would prohibit a grandparent from adding their grandchildren to a family RESP that was previously opened for their children. Additionally, since an RESP can only be open for 35 years, adding a younger sibling to a plan initially opened for someone close to or at withdrawal age would significantly cut down the time the younger beneficiary has to accumulate savings before the RESP would be closed.
No, there is no limit on the number of beneficiaries for a family RESP, as long as beneficiaries are under age 21 when they’re added to the plan. (This age restriction doesn’t apply to individual RESPs.) You can add as many children to your family RESP as you want, but note that all beneficiaries in the plan must be family members, such as siblings and adopted children.
Yes, the Canadian government provides the CESG and the CLB as incentives for contributing to family RESPs, as with other RESP plans. The same requirements to receive those grants apply (see above).
If you need more information or guidance on how to set up and manage a family RESP, you can call on the RESP experts at Embark. We help Canadian families create a contribution strategy, maximize their government grants, and make tax-efficient RESP withdrawals.
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