Value Hunter

clock - time


The case of the time travelling money manager

Sticking to an investment strategy through adversity can be hard for investors, even if they know what's going to...

The case of the time travelling money manager


Stocks with room to grow

Adventurous investors take note. Norm Rothery visits the pound in search of a dozen dividend pups to expand to...

Stocks with room to grow
safer dog


A big dividend bonanza

Norm Rothery expands his dog pack to capture safer Canadian stocks with even richer payouts

A big dividend bonanza
inflation-adjusted bonds


The tail of the bond bull

As well as bonds have performed since the 1980s, investors shouldn't expect much from them going forward

The tail of the bond bull



safer dogs of the TSX


Stocks that are an investor’s best friend

Do you want safe dividend paying stocks with some potential upside? Try the Safer Dogs of the TSX stocks...

Stocks that are an investor’s best friend


Making long-term return forecasts

Everyone wants to know, with some certainty, how the market is going to perform. Norm Rothery applies his logic...

Making long-term return forecasts


Is Home Capital a buy?

Norm Rothery examines the merits of this one-time All-Star stock after the mortgage lender's rapid fall from grace

Is Home Capital a buy?


An update on the Hot Potato

Who says Couch Potato portfolios are boring? Norm Rothery's spicy twist on the popular strategy has been effective, but...

An update on the Hot Potato



A dividend growth downer

Investors love their dividend stocks, but a new study suggests we've been calculating dividend growth all wrong

A dividend growth downer
