

A couple are looking at a photo book, as they clear up the home of a family member. They're also at the stage of wondering the next steps, including who will pay for the mortgage

Estate Planning

Is the family responsible to pay the mortgage for a loved one who has passed away?

When a home owner dies with money owing on the property, the type of ownership determines who is accountable...

Is the family responsible to pay the mortgage for a loved one who has passed away?
A woman sitting at her laptop gazes upward, deep in thought.

Ask a Planner

How capital gains tax on property is divided in a divorce

When a couple separates, how does owning, transferring and dividing multiple properties affect capital gains?

How capital gains tax on property is divided in a divorce
Disney castle at Disneyland is show, with a statue of a proud Walter Disney in front. The company released its earnings this week.


Making sense of the markets this week: August 14

Prices are down, markets are up, a look at Berkshire and Disney, and Canadian miners are golden.

Making sense of the markets this week: August 14
An interior view of an apartment, nicely decorated with plants, a throw pillow and other decor


Decorating with stuff you already own

Elias Blunden-Stone of The Room Editor shares the pitfalls of redecorating from scratch and the best ways to restore a...

Decorating with stuff you already own



A pair of hands holding up an apple and a donut with a bite in it.


Why GICs might be a better investment than stocks and bonds

Why GICs might be a better investment than stocks and bonds
A woman in her 50s-60s is looking to transfer the funds of a LIRA to an RRSP with no contribution room in Ontario on her iPad.

Ask a Planner

Can a LIRA be transferred to an RRSP with no contribution room in Ontario?

Moving money from a LIRA or LIF to an RRSP or RRIF can have benefits. Here’s what to consider...

Can a LIRA be transferred to an RRSP with no contribution room in Ontario?
To show family co-ownership of a house, a mother and her adult daughter are cooking together in their kitchen

Qualified Advice

Co-ownership: Are there any tax implications if you sell part of your house to a relative?

A finance expert addresses capital gains taxes, possible tax credits, and other factors related to co-ownership of a home.

Co-ownership: Are there any tax implications if you sell part of your house to a relative?
A man doing acrobatics to symbolize the balance needed to calm inflation and a recession.


Making sense of the markets this week: August 7

Do earnings matter in 2022? Will Canada follow the U.S. into a recession? Plus other fascinating market fodder.

Making sense of the markets this week: August 7


A young woman sits on her bed, compares home insurance quotes on her computer


Before you buy, here’s how to compare home insurance

Comparing home insurance quotes is key to getting the right coverage at a good rate. We asked an expert...

Before you buy, here’s how to compare home insurance
