
Ask a Retirement Expert

Canadian working part-time in retirement wondering if he can collect employment insurance EI


How to qualify for EI benefits in retirement in Canada

Just because you paid loads into a program doesn't mean you'll get EI benefits when you retire

How to qualify for EI benefits in retirement in Canada
Happy senior parents and their adult son having fun while greeting in the kitchen.

Ask a Planner

How to model retirement income in Canada

The risk of having too much money left when you die is real. Often realizing this comes too late...

How to model retirement income in Canada
Man biking up a hill symbolizes safety and growth of GICs for Canadian retirees.

Retired Money

Are GICs a no-brainer for retirees?

GICs were embraced by many Canadian investors last year, whether conservative or not. With rates expected to fall again...

Are GICs a no-brainer for retirees?
Two women retired after making a decision for CPP DI

Ask MoneySense

CPP and disability: When should you retire and start your pension?

When collecting disability, retiring early is an option. But find out how that can impact disability income and retirement...

CPP and disability: When should you retire and start your pension?



A man and woman look at their ETFs for retirement

Retired Money

The best ETFs for retirement income

A look at conservative asset allocation ETFs and tactical overlays for retirees for reducing volatility, hedging inflation and generating...

The best ETFs for retirement income
A two-prong arrow graphic to symbolize retirees choice for withdrawing from registered and unregistered accounts

Ask MoneySense

Registered vs non-registered accounts: Where retirees should make withdrawals

When you have the choice for withdrawals, it makes sense to look at the pros and cons of taking...

Registered vs non-registered accounts: Where retirees should make withdrawals
Man is reading the T5 from cashing in his whole life insurance policy, and checking his notes from when he bought it.

Ask a Planner

How to calculate the taxable amount for a cashed-in whole life insurance policy

Is a whole life insurance cash value taxable? Spoiler: Yes. But find out how to calculate the taxable amount....

How to calculate the taxable amount for a cashed-in whole life insurance policy
A man reads documents about his TFSA and other investments at work, as he plans his retirement.

Ask a Planner

A strategy for non-registered and TFSA accounts in retirement

Between a TFSA and non-registered accounts, what is the most tax-effective way to withdraw to fund retirement?

A strategy for non-registered and TFSA accounts in retirement


Woman takes care of her mother, and without a job wonders if she can maximize her RRSP and TFSA with $0 income.

Ask a Planner

Can you maximize your RRSP and TFSA with an income of $0?

With a year of no income, find out if it makes sense to max out registered accounts like an...

Can you maximize your RRSP and TFSA with an income of $0?
