Couch Potato

ETFs TD active vs passive

Canadian Couch Potato

Pros and cons of TD’s new actively managed ETFs

Managers can make active calls on asset classes based on their forecasts

Pros and cons of TD’s new actively managed ETFs
investment fees

Canadian Couch Potato

Some investors are too focused on fees

You might be better off paying a little more to avoid costly mistakes

Some investors are too focused on fees

April 2016

Are you ready for the Hot Potato?

Love the steady returns of the classic Couch Potato strategy? This spicier version beat it by 6.7 percentage points...

Are you ready for the Hot Potato?
hybrid approach

Canadian Couch Potato

How the Couch Potato Portfolio did in 2015

Quite well in "the year when nothing worked"

How the Couch Potato Portfolio did in 2015


