
recovering from debt

Canadian man shopping with a friend for a major purchase (stove) and wondering which is better: personal loan vs. line of credit?


Personal loan versus line of credit: Which should you choose?

Need the best interest rate? Want fixed payments or flexibility? Find out the differences between personal loans and lines...

Personal loan versus line of credit: Which should you choose?
Different aged Canadians and the flag.


Battle of the generations: Who’s having the toughest time with finances in Canada?

Boomers admit they had it easier than others, but Gen Z gave themselves a C in paying off debt....

Battle of the generations: Who’s having the toughest time with finances in Canada?
A Canadian holding a credit card and wondering what will happen if they don't pay their credit card.


What happens if I don’t pay my credit card bills? 

What happens if I don’t pay my credit card bills? 
A man who is struggling financially seeks help from a counsellor.


Where to get help if you’re struggling financially (and mentally)  

Money problems can cause anxiety, stress and other mental health issues. Find out how to get help with debt...

Where to get help if you’re struggling financially (and mentally)  



Canadian talking on a phone to a credit repair company


The risks of credit repair companies in Canada

The risks of credit repair companies in Canada
A couple reviews recent financial statements

Ask a Planner

Who should Canadians consult for debt advice?

With debt servicing costs up significantly over the past year, many Canadians are struggling and need help. Who can...

Who should Canadians consult for debt advice?
Father and daughter doing homework together, and he's wondering how much debt is normal for his age


How much debt is normal in Canada? We break it down by age

Do Canadians really owe $1.84 for every $1 they earn? For some, yes. And for others, even more. Where...

How much debt is normal in Canada? We break it down by age
A young man looks at a stack of unpaid bills


Debt demystified: How to calculate your debt

Debt demystified: How to calculate your debt


Presented by BDO Debt Solutions

Reduced income: What to do when two household incomes become one

Reduced income can really throw a wrench into your life plans. Find out how Michelle and Peter got debt...

Reduced income: What to do when two household incomes become one
