
A woman in a winter coat and hat with a shopping bag in front a sale sign in a store window


Canadians spending less on gifts (and donations) for the 2023 holiday season

Feeling financial pressure, many Canadians are tightening our Black Friday and holiday shopping budgets—and we’re looking harder to find...

Canadians spending less on gifts (and donations) for the 2023 holiday season
A man wanders through the aisle of a big box store talking on his cell phone


From groceries to flights to data plans: Why is Canada so expensive?

Things like competition, regulation and taxes all influence how much Canadians pay for common goods and services. Here’s why...

From groceries to flights to data plans: Why is Canada so expensive?
The new iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max are pictured against a black background.


Is the new iPhone 15 worth it in Canada?

Apple has launched a new iPhone series with several enticing features. Is it worth upgrading your phone to get...

Is the new iPhone 15 worth it in Canada?

Making It

How much does it cost to raise a child in Canada?

Inflation has made daily living more expensive, especially if you have kids. Find out how much it will cost...

How much does it cost to raise a child in Canada?



Auto Insurance

Compare car insurance quotes from Canadian providers

Comparing auto insurance quotes online can help you find the best coverage at a low cost.

Compare car insurance quotes from Canadian providers
A young woman driving a car


How much is insurance for a new driver in Ontario?

How much is insurance for a new driver in Ontario?
Family cooking together, trying to not waste food and keep grocery costs down.


Inflation and food costs are rising, but so is food waste

Canadians don’t have a ton of control over food costs, as profitable grocers claim inflation and supply as issues...

Inflation and food costs are rising, but so is food waste
Friends together enjoying a coffee, as the topic of spending on experiences and affordability comes up

A Rich Life

Spending money on experiences—be honest, can you really afford it?

Canadians are focussing on spending on experiences over material things. But is that the right way to spend our...

Spending money on experiences—be honest, can you really afford it?


A man opens his door to find a bag of fresh food has been delivered to his front door.

Strategic Shopper

How much does grocery delivery cost?

Produce boxes, grocery delivery and meal kits are more popular than ever, thanks to WFH orders, safety and convenience....

How much does grocery delivery cost?
