
Articles By Julie Cazzin:


11 great films about investing that everyone needs to watch

Grab the popcorn and munch along to these classics

11 great films about investing that everyone needs to watch
TFSA limit

Financial Planning

8 key things about TFSAs and how Canadians use them

A BMO study shows TFSA usage is climbing but we're sorely lacking when it comes to understanding limits and...

8 key things about TFSAs and how Canadians use them
man sitting in field

Ask MoneySense

How to invest for an unexpected early retirement

Should Danny downsize, invest differently, or clear his debts?

How to invest for an unexpected early retirement


An all-Canadian $75,000 TFSA looking for global dividends

One woman's search for income-producing securities

An all-Canadian $75,000 TFSA looking for global dividends


How woman executives can craft a financial plan

Bridge Venus Grimes new book "Corner Office Choices" puts the lens on life, career, investment and tax advice for...

How woman executives can craft a financial plan


A Canuck’s guide to successful investing

Why understanding fees—and how they eat into your returns—matters

A Canuck’s guide to successful investing
senior woman pondering

Ask MoneySense

Can Anne, 63, afford to retire right now?

Or will she run out of money?

Can Anne, 63, afford to retire right now?


A teacher’s $21,000 TFSA looking to spice things up

Would adding an emerging markets ETF—or another international fund—do the trick?

A teacher’s $21,000 TFSA looking to spice things up


A $61,000 TFSA where a spreadsheet and a bit of math boost returns

Andrew credits a good spreadsheet and a couple of investing sites for his success

A $61,000 TFSA where a spreadsheet and a bit of math boost returns