

Ask a Planner

How real estate is taxed during a separation or divorce

A couple owned two properties, and each person is taking one as part of their separation. What are the...

How real estate is taxed during a separation or divorce
A mom holds her two young kids on a sofa

Life Insurance

Divorce and life insurance: How to make sure your family stays protected

If you’re going through a divorce, you have many financial decisions to make, including how to update your life...

Divorce and life insurance: How to make sure your family stays protected
A couple discussing their divorce and, of course, the topic of what to do with their mortgage comes up.


What happens to your mortgage after a divorce?

What happens to your mortgage after a divorce?

Ask a Planner

Are spousal and child support payments taxable?

Spousal and child support payments are taxed differently. And lump-sum payments may come with their own tax implications.

Are spousal and child support payments taxable?



A man sits in front of a chess board thinking deeply.

Financial Planning

How to make better financial decisions—without regret—in a crisis

What is a decision crisis? How do you know if you’re in one, and what do you do next?...

How to make better financial decisions—without regret—in a crisis
A woman sitting at her laptop gazes upward, deep in thought.

Ask a Planner

How capital gains tax on property is divided in a divorce

When a couple separates, how does owning, transferring and dividing multiple properties affect capital gains?

How capital gains tax on property is divided in a divorce
a couple fidgets with wedding bands on sofa

Qualified Advice

Am I required to divide my pension with my ex?

Here’s what to know about dividing your pension with your spouse during a divorce.

Am I required to divide my pension with my ex?
A woman is sitting on her couch in her apartment with a pensive expression on her face.

Ask a Planner

Buying a home after divorce

During a divorce, one or both spouses may move into new homes. A MoneySense reader has a question about...

Buying a home after divorce


A man moving out from the family home, carrying a box of toys outside of the house,as his ex-wife walks behind him with another box.

Ask a Planner

Do you pay capital gains tax when separating or divorcing?

Concerned about the potential capital gains tax implications of a principal residence after a relationship breakdown?

Do you pay capital gains tax when separating or divorcing?
